International Federation of Denturists Members and Affiliates

MEMBERSHIP in the Federation is limited to persons and organizations interested in furthering the objectivess of the Federation and consists of anyone whose application for admission as a member has received the approval of the Board of Directors of the Federation. Annual fees are established by the Board of Directors. There are three classes of members in the Federation:

Active Members – any association or federation of Denturists organized on a national level in any country and which association or federation of Denturists has not less than five (5) Denturists as members. Each Active Member is entitled to one vote at meetings of members.

Associate Members – any person, firm or corporation who is engaged in practicing his/her profession as a Denturist in a country where there is neither legislation governing the practice of Denturists, nor a national association or federation of Denturists. Associate Members are not entitled to vote at meetings of members; however their input to all discussions is anticipated.

Honorary Members – from time to time as determined by the Board of Directors. Honorary members are not entitled to vote at meetings of members.

THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS consists of one voting representative per member country. Associate Members and Honorary Members are invited to participate in discussions of the Board but may not vote. Officers (Executive Committee) of the Federation are elected from the Board of Directors to administer the day-to-day affairs of the Federation. Officers (Executive Committee) are comprised of:

  • President
  • Vice President – AustralAsiaAfrica
  • Vice President – Europe
  • Vice President – North America.

In addition, there is a Chief Executive who is contracted to provide administrative and consultative services.