IFD President's Word
Dear Members, Delegates and Friends,
In the past two years we all, worldwide, lived in such different circumstances, as we never thought before. It seems, we are coming out of the darkness and things are normalizing step by step. We can be optimistic and I would like to talk about really positive movements regarding our profession.
I completed my first mandate cycle as President of the IFD, re-elected this September for the second turn. Thanks to all who supported our Federation, our team and myself within our work. Working together with a good team was during this time very helpful and a motivation to go ahead.
During this time our IFD Executive Board worked on different tasks and we took different decisions. There was the transition to a new CEO, which was a really big step. Thanks to the collaboration of all participants, it was a success and we can say, mission completed.
Regarding our strategic goals, it was possible to find with Marc Simons our new CEO for our Federation. Marc lives in Belgium and was before many years CEO of the Belgium Denturist Association. He knows the Denturist field and the political situation within Europe very well, speaks English, Dutch, French and German and he is only a hop away from Bruxelles, the Headquarter of the European Union. During the transition with his very structured working style he was a big support for the Executive Board and for me as President. Thank you Marc, for your extraordinary work!
The IFD Executive Board, together with the CEO, was working in the meantime to concentrate on our strategy for the future. We are conscious that we have a lot of changes within Europe.
Our member States and the interested groups from non-legalized countries as well, see a big amount of work and obstacles in front of us. It is indispensable to establish the needed infrastructures to be prepared for this future challenges. This includes also geographically a step towards Europe. We will invest a lot of energy and man-wife-power in Europe.
I’m very proud to announce that at international level we reached a very high target.
It is a special pleasure for me to mention, that I did receive the message from United Nations / ECOSOC – that IFD International Federation of Denturist has now officially the Consultative Status as an NGO in front of the United Nations.
This is one of the biggest steps for the IFD in history regarding international recognition as a professional organization! After years of paperwork and persistence this is a real pleasure and gives our organization an additional certain brand of quality. We are on a good way, still a long way to go but examples like this increase our motivation to go ahead.
IFD continues to support Denturists recognition worldwide. IFD is providing information to empower Denturists to obtain recognition. To remain respected by denturists, our communication focus is on raising the awareness of our country members, as well as industry partners for International Federation of Denturists commitment.
A big thank also to our IFD reliable Cooperation Partners: IFD continued to grow with the assistance of our precious partners
They all help us to complete our mission. Thank them very much.
New IFD Members.
We welcome Thierry Supplie from France, Emmanuel Mbarga from Cameroon and Byung Hwan Choi from South Korea as a new member of the IFD. Welcome!
50th Anniversary of the Canadian Denturist Association
It is my delight to extend heartiest congratulations for the 50th Anniversary to the Denturist Association of Canada and their Members on its pioneer success.
As an IFD Member and now, President of our organisation, I have enjoyed many years of uninterrupted friendship, support and interchange of professional skills, always felt like a member of the DAC family. I feel truly privileged to accompany in DAC’s achievement and evolution. I wish you many more years filled with success.
Let us move forward together, to champion well – being of our international Denturists communities.
Urban Christen-Méndez DD