Education Committee

Bill Sharpling

Professor Bill Sharpling joines the IFD Education Committee.

The members of the Education Committee meet at least six times a year by means of electronic media and discuss education and the importance of education in the field of Denturology. The outcome of these discussions is that we have to create an educational document so that all the newcomers to the field of practice, regardless of their background, will necessarily need to have the same level of education. Some people, with a background, could have advanced standing and the people, without a background in the field of dentistry, will study longer.

It is the wish of the Education committee to see the graduates are:
a) coming out of an accredited school
b) they graduate with a degree and not a certificate or diploma.
c) all the educational requirements have been taught in the educational facilities.
d) the study and practice like a co-op system will be beneficial to the new graduates.